Gameplay Ability Set’s

Gameplay Ability Sets allow you define a set of abilities and effects which are given to the target ASC, I use these to apply the default generic abilities a player has, and default generic effects each player will have. These can also be used for things like perks, etc. The other benefit is, they can Gameplay Ability Set’s

All about BTTasks in C++

I get a lot of question on Unreal Slackers Discord about custom BTTasks in C++, how to create and some of the more obscure stuff with tasks. I will be going over some of the things that will help you with these tasks. First of, lets start with some constructor stuff we can do. There All about BTTasks in C++

Applying Gameplay Tags from SourceObject into Effect Spec

In my game, i wanted to grab Gameplay Tags from the source object if possible, and apply them into the captured tags of the Gameplay Effect Spec. With this in mind, i went searching through the system, and found the following function gets called UGameplayAbility::ApplyAbilityTagsToGameplayEffectSpec. I was like great that is exactly what i need, Applying Gameplay Tags from SourceObject into Effect Spec